Thursday, March 18, 2010

"People say that you never know what you have until it's gone. If that's true, then we don't know what we are really missing out on until it arrives." This quote can be applied to many different situations, but the first one that comes to my mind is..another person. A crush. Everyone has crushes, some last a minute and others last much longer. I never thought I would get over my first crush..I was 9 years old. Of course, I told my mom that I hated boys and they had cooties..but I will never forget AJ, and the innocent, carefree feelings I had towards him. Time goes on, and eventually those feelings dissolved. It's funny..when you think about crushes. You think there will never be a time when they aren't the only thing on your mind, that you won't spend time wondering what they are doing, what they are thinking of..and who they are spending their time thinking about. You overanalyze every interaction, spend time worrying over nonsense, all the while secretly trying to convince yourself that this person is the one for you. You let your emotions take wish upon a star, hoping that one day things will work in your favor. Sometimes they do. And sometimes they don't. When it does, it's the most amazing feeling in the world. You feel suddenly makes sense. The butterflies in your stomach cannot be described. Kisses..that make you forget everything you had ever worried about, that make you wish the world would stand still and that moment would go on forever. Learning about someone else's life, their thoughts, goals,'s such a beautiful thing. When it doesn't work out, you feel destroyed. You feel it didn't work out because of something you did or did not do. Or that your hair wasn't the right color, that your clothes weren't cute enough..or that you just weren't good enough for that person. It's a lot to swallow. I once heard a quote.."I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all." I've had heartbreak from a crush, and I would have rather felt nothing during the hard times, than what I did. But I realized that there is a reason you feel pain. You learn from it. You think you will never get over it..but you do. It might take a day, or a week or a year...but you do. Then you look back and realize everything that happened during that many doors you let close, how many opportunities you missed out on..trying to make something that wasn't meant to be work. You start to look back on it all..and you laugh. You laugh at how you acted, the way you felt, the things you makes you realize that if you wanted so much to be with the wrong person, how perfect it will be when the right one comes along. I've had these feelings, the good ones that bring back smiles and the ones that made me cry. But i've learned from each and every crush and relationship i've ever had. It makes me giggle..thinking ahead to the future. I wonder what I will be giggling about..when I look back on right now, when it's the past..

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just a thought..

"Growing up is never easy. You hold onto things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we both knew that it was time to let go of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. Love. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves...for growing up." - The Wonder Years

I believe in this quote. It's true..they say hindsight is 20/20. When people think about their past, they think it is better than it might have been. And when people think about the future, they think it isn't going to be as good as it should be. And then the present, spend too much time worrying about the the other two, that they can't enjoy just living in the moment. There is so much opportunity, beauty and love in the world..why not enjoy it? Just a thought..

Trying something new..

I have always wanted to start a blog, but I didn't know what to blog about. Then I realized that I could post what is on my mind, all of my thoughts and really anything I wanted here goes. I just got back into town from one of the greatest weekends i've had in quite awhile. I went to Hot Springs for the horse races with my childhood buddy Justin Silva and his dad, his cousin Jordan, his best friend Mikey from high school, and our close friend Rob Eldridge. I was less than thrilled to be up at 7am on a Saturday, but once I was out of bed the excitement started to give me energy and less than an hour later, we were all on the road. The trip down there went by in the blink of an eye, and a little before noon, I had showered, put on my "horse races" outfit and we were on our way. I had been only as a child, so I couldn't wait to see how it was. I ended up losing a good amount of money- I lost on EVERY single bet I placed. Didn't win once. Surprisingly though, I had a great time. We stayed for all ten races and then went to eat at the restaurant Classics in our hotel. The nine people with us all played trivia and yours truly won the last game. From dinner, we went out to the bars. It was a good time..I really like being away from Fayetteville. It's nice to get to meet new people, hear about their life and just do something different. I really liked Smyly's a lot, it was an older crowd and everyone was just wanting to have a good time. After a few hours, we went back to our hotel room and got ready for bed. We went this morning to On the Border and ate lunch and just reminisced on the past 24 hours. I ended up having a better time than I expected, and wanted to just stay in Hot Springs and hang out. I'm really glad the weather is getting a lot nicer..there is no telling what the warmer breeze will bring. :)